What motivates you to write?

Be it in a journal, for a hobby or as a career.

I suppose motivations change.  Mine did.  For years writing served as soothing therapy.  I enjoy the process of taking diverse characters, twisting plots and heartwarming antics and creating them into a story that can bring laughter, tears and spice. The research, the writing. The editing and revising.  It literally gives me excitement, and it gives me peace.

The past year changed my motivation. Granted, I still love to write just to write. But I have the greatest fans I could ask for.  They are flattering, nagging, embarrassing and encouraging.  For now, they are my biggest motivation.

What about you?

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8 Responses to What motivates you to write?

  1. G. P. Ching says:

    Mostly I write because my characters won’t leave me alone until I do. For example, Dr. Silva (A character from the Soulkeepers) has been badgering me to work this thing out with her relationship interest. I think about it when I drive. I think about it when I grocery shop. I will not stop thinking about it until the story is told.

  2. R.T. says:

    G.P.: That’s why we love the Soulkeepers!

  3. Dixie says:

    what motivates me? not much. Kidding. My writing friends and critique partners keep me motivated. without them I probably would sit in a corner and read.

  4. Probably a better question is what motivates me to do anything else, and the response to that would be guilt. I’d rather write than do just about anything else.

  5. Leta Gail says:

    Deadlines! I work best when I’m up against a definate completion date. I’ve always been an 11th hour person, I was even born in the 11th hour (just befor noon because the doc had to get somewhere) I can knock a story out and produce some of my best work that way. If I’m not up against a date I spin in circles in my office chair and stare at the ceiling.

  6. I love having an activity in my life that is just about me. Although my husband and family support me in my writing, it’s not about them. It’s not about the company I work for. It’s just about me, my imagination and the words I put down on paper. That’s what motivates me to keep writing.

  7. Raeanne Rose says:

    Writing Motivation… the best is a long road trip where my bottled thoughts can fly out like passing road signs. Nature, grandure, a beautiful sunset, the scent of spring – all of these. Troubles, ah-ha moments, pain, and the excuciating beauty of true love – all of these. My motivation is not affected by timelines or deadlines. When I need motivation, I seek solitude. A beach or open field is best. Lacking either of those, a good movie, a glass of wine, and a box of chocolates.

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