Paper or plastic?

Do you prefer reading pages made of paper or ebook reading?  We’d love to hear your opinion and why. Enjoy!

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9 Responses to Paper or plastic?

  1. Dixie says:

    I love the feel of having a book in my hands, the feel, the smell, turning the pages. I never thought I would buy an electronic device to read from. I was wrong. I have a nook and I love it. It is almost the same except I click instead of turn pages, and I don’t have to worry about where to put the book. I don’t need shelves and my TBR pile is in the nook and not on my table.

  2. HiDee Ekstrom says:

    Definitely prefer paper! But I admit plastic is great for traveling.

  3. G. P. Ching says:

    I read different things on my kindle than on paper. Genre fiction that I plan to only read once is on the kindle but I usually buy mainstream literary fiction in paper. Actually, I may be the last person who buys hardcover, too.

  4. K Clegg says:

    My own personal opinion….to enjoy what you are reading is to love the packaging as well. Like with fine wine we examine labels on bottles, check corks, smell the bouquet. Why should it be any different with a fine book? The book’s packaging includes the cover/jacket, the smell of the pages, the feel of the paper and the weight of the book as well. To put a story out there in a “virtual” book store removes the intimate experience the reader has with the story. Somehow, to me at least, the connection (whatever you want to call it) of a book is diminished when you remove those elements by choosing to read a cold and sterile computer screen. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy reading from the internet. I am just saying the “read” is more enjoyable to me personally when I can hold the story in my hands, feel the weight of it’s past pages in my left hand while looking forward to what I hold in my right hand. When all is said and done and the story is read, I get to keep more than just the memories of the computer screen.

  5. Cindy Rodberg says:

    I have not bought a kindle or whatever yet or even tried one. I enjoy paper so far probably out of ignorance. I do get e books downloaded on the computer that I can read on the computer or print off and I do like the instant gratification.

  6. Dian says:

    I vote for holding the actual book and turning the pages.

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